Our PNG screening program begins with a season on Manus Island, where public screenings have not taken place for decades.
We are particularly pleased to be launching with screenings in multiple locations of Power Meri, the inspiring story of the PNG Women’s Rugby Team. We also have a library of crowd favourite films that will screen over the next few months.
Screenings are free and a wonderful way to not only entertain and enlighten, but also bring all people on Manus together in a friendly community setting.
Michael Smith, Screens Without Borders founder, is in Manus to hand over the equipment and train the local team who will manage and operate the PopOut Cinema. “I’m really proud to be launching here on Manus, I’ve visited cinemas all over the world and I believe the unifying mass convening power of cinema is vitally important. Whilst cinema as a medium is but a century old, communal sharing of stories has been at the heart of civilisation for thousands of years, we hope to bring everyone together to be inspired and entertained together.”